You were bought at a price. Therefore honor God with your body (I Cor. 6:20)
Therefore, I urge you from the mercies of God, to present your bodies a living and holy sacrifice, acceptable to God, which is your spiritual service of worship (Romans 12:1)
I am from "Let us make human kind in our image"
I am from many places and cultures; Formed and shaped by language and experience
I am from Dallas skyscrapers and cultivated fields of Nebraska - influenced by the desert of Arizona, Mokummer's city, Kansas wheat fields and the city of Sundance Square.
I am from a city set on a hill
I am from the stacks in Love Library, from main campus, east campus and Omaha campus
From ACC, York, ACU, UN-L, UN-O, Hastings, Concordia, UN-K, Friends
I am from counseling, psychology, family studies and therapy, social work, law, adult education and biblical studies
I am from East 10th Street, Edgemont Avenue, Nolenstraat, Pieter Calandlaan, Graan voor Visch, Thompson Avenue, Sao Paulo Court and 30 other addresses
I am from Love Field, East Hill, Eastside, Dana Street, Camelback, Hobemekade, Ookmeerweg, Central, Richland Hills and hundreds of other churches
I am from an upstairs apartment in an older home, an oil boom house surrounded by rattlers, copperheads, water-moccasins, scorpions, centipedes and tarantulas, and from a house with salmon colored walls with a swamp cooler
I am from unfinished houses, apartments, row houses, an arts and crafts home, and concrete slab tract homes.
I am from behold I prepare a place for you
I am from cook books, mystery books, DIY books, theology books, therapy books and the book of life
From Mother Earth, Prevention, Woman's Day, Family Circle, Christianity Today, professional journals, blogs, Facebook, newsletters and reports
I am from cooking from scratch - chopping and dicing, slicing and peeling, kneading and mixing, rolling out dough: bread dough, pie crusts, cinnamon rolls, sugar cookies, biscuits and noodle dough
I am from the bread of life
I am from pantries filled with home-canned vegetables, pickles and jams from my garden, full freezer of cherries and strawberries and peaches and butchered beef, ham and bacon
I am from classrooms, green boards and chalk, counseling chambers and prayer closets
I am from Mary Belle and DeWitt and from Henrietta and Duncan
I am from Pauline and Thomas and Thomas Dee
I am from Tommy and Stephen, Rebecca, Paul and Rachel and sons-in-love, Russell and Michel
I am from Jordan and Parker and Trinity and unnamed lost grandchildren
I am from Kathryn and Heinrich and Fredrik
I am from kneeling in prayer
I am from tears, despair, lost, lonely and fit to be tied
I am from behold I am with you, even to the end of the age
I am from love
I am from bought at a price
I am from Father, Son and Holy Spirit
I am from unsurpassing joy
I am from peace that is beyond understanding
I am from grace
I am from BLESSED!
Who are you?
With thanks to Mary Pipher and her book, Writing to Change the World for this idea.